Empathy, Education, Empowerment for Every Child & Their Caregiver

A commitment to support and foster children’s healthy brain development in East Africa and all tropical regions worldwide.

Who We Are

The East African Center for Child Neurodevelopment (EACCN) is a non-profit intervention and applied research organization based in Kenya. We work in close collaboration with our sister organization, the Caribbean Center for Child Neurodevelopment (CCCN) in Grenada.

What We Do

Child development is complex, and the first 1,000 days of life—together with maternal health during and after pregnancy—​is a critical window for setting children on a lifelong trajectory of health, emotional well-being, and socioeconomic success. ​The EACCN therefore follows a multi-disciplinary, multi-pillar approach that is founded on the time-proven neurobiological principles of human brain development. We draw upon the latest and most impactful research across Neuropsychology, Social Psychology, Neuroscience (and social neuroscience), child development, sociology, and public health (especially prevention science). We develop, implement, and assess interventions that strengthen the social-emotional environment around children. We recognize that maximizing brain development in young children means providing mothers, other primary caregivers, daycare workers, early child educators, and teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to understand child neurodevelopment, regulate themselves, and establish safe and predictable environments where children can form strong social emotional connections with adults and with each other. By modeling composure and skills for managing conflict within themselves and with others, adults teach children how to regulate themselves and acquire critical social skills for future success in school, the workplace, and society at large. These self-regulation and problem-solving skills do not magically appear in children – they must learn them from adults. Accurate measurement of caregiver knowledge and skills and child neurodevelopment is necessary to assess the impact of our intervention programs. Finally, community based efforts must be paired with changes in laws, government policies, and public health programs that support the well-being of mothers and their children.



Policy Advising

Public Health

Our Mission

To support and foster healthy brain development among children in East Africa and all tropical regions worldwide.

Our Vision

We envision a world where children feel safe, connected, and cognitively empowered to effectively resolve conflict within themselves and with others in a socially sustainable way.

Our Values

We value equal opportunity for all children to reach their full developmental potential.


A focus on equity guides us to recognize and address systemic barriers that may hinder the optimal development of children, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances. By prioritizing equity, we aim to provide every child with equal access to resources, opportunities, and support systems needed for their holistic growth and well-being. This commitment drives our efforts to advocate for policies and initiatives that promote social justice, reduce disparities, and create environments where all children can thrive. Finally, equity underscores our dedication to culturally responsive practices wherein we acknowledge and value the diverse identities, experiences, and strengths within the communities we serve. 


Parenting is the most challenging job on earth. Child development—which starts with the health of the parents—pre-conception through adolescence and into early adulthood—is incredibly complex. We believe that fostering diversity in our communities of primary caregivers and those who are coaching them is essential for discovering innovative and culturally relevant practices that support child neurodevelopment. By celebrating diversity, we aim to honour the unique identities, cultures, and traditions of the children and families we serve. We actively seek out and value diverse voices in our programs, staff, volunteers, and leadership, understanding that this diversity enriches our work and enables us to better meet the diverse needs of our community.
By promoting diversity, we strive to create a more vibrant and inclusive society where all children are valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.


Empowerment is a fundamental organizational value at the EACCN and drives the foundation of our work every day. We believe that the best way to support early child neurodevelopment is to equip caregivers with the knowledge, skills, and social support they need to be active participants in their own growth and development. This starts with caregiver self-regulation. Only through self-regulation can the caregivers “lend” their executive skills to guide children through the process of learning to regulate themselves as their brains develop. This process builds agency and self-efficacy in both caregiver and child. As caregivers come together to support each other, we see empowerment at the community level. This fosters collaboration, leadership, and collective action to address systemic barriers and promote positive change within communities. By embracing empowerment as a core value, we aim to create a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive, and every family and community has the agency to shape their own future.


Life is filled with internal and external conflict. This will probably never change. It is our duty to equip all children with the knowledge and skills to overcome adversity, thrive in the face of challenges, and navigate internal conflict (i.e., mental illness) and external conflict (i.e., disagreements, arguments, fights) in healthy ways. This is resilience. Our programs and initiatives foster resilience by empowering caregivers with knowledge, skills, and improved self-regulation, who will pass these skills for resilience on to children. We believe that resilience is a crucial asset that empowers individuals to navigate life’s obstacles and setbacks with courage and determination. Furthermore, we work to create supportive environments that nurture resilience, emphasizing the importance of strong relationships, safe spaces, and a sense of belonging for children and families. By prioritizing resilience as a core value, we aim to empower children to overcome adversity, build strong foundations for their future success, and contribute positively to their communities.


The world is not fair. We are working every day to remedy this reality. To accomplish this, we believe that all children must be given the best chance to develop by reducing and, ultimately, eliminating adverse childhood experiences, empowering caregivers, supporting strong social emotional connections between caregivers and children, and building community networks around caregivers as they empower the children in their care.  We advocate for policies and practices that prioritize fairness and inclusivity, striving to create a level playing field where every child has the chance to thrive and reach their full potential. We believe in ensuring fairness, justice, and equal opportunities for all children, regardless of their background, identity, or circumstances.



Delve into groundbreaking insights about brain development, providing valuable knowledge to enhance understanding and support the well-being of children.

Policy Reports

Discover how we distill cutting-edge research into actionable insights, applying evidence-based recommendations and policy implications to foster an environment that nurtures optimal brain development in children.

Landscape Assessments

Acquire valuable insights about challenges and opportunities to advance the understanding and support of optimal brain development in children.